Basic information
Product code | hlr80257 |
Weight: | 0.10 kg |
Ean: | 3279510710083 |
Scale | 1:72 |
Added to catalog on: | 30.10.2004 |
Tags: | Dassault-Dornier Alpha-Jet |
Manufacturer | Heller Heller Hobby GmbH Erlenbacher str.3 42477 Radevormwald Germany |
Responsible entity | Heller Hobby GmbH Erlenbacher str.3 42477 Radevormwald Germany |
The Alpha Jet plane was created as a result of cooperation between the French concern Dassault-Breguet Aviation and the German company Dornier. The Alpha Jet was developed in 1968, a year before the launch of a competition for a training aircraft suitable for use in attacks against ground targets by the armed forces of France and Germany. The competitor in this competition was Aerospatiale / MBB Eurotrainer. In the German aviation, Alpha Jet was intended to replace the Fiat G-91 attack aircraft, while in the French aviation it was to be a training and training aircraft. Component production and final assembly was split between the main shareholders, plus Belgium (SABCA) and Egypt. On October 26, 1973, the first prototype was flown, and on November 4, 1977, the first serial aircraft. German Alpha Jet planes took a limited part in Operation Desert Storm in 1991. They took off from Turkish bases and patrolled the northern border of Iraq. So far, about 500 of all types have been produced. Technical data: Top speed: 900 km / h; climb speed 57 m / s, practical ceiling 14630 m, maximum range (with 2 suspended tanks): 2940 km, equipment: maximum lifting capacity up to 2500 kg.
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Basic information
Producer | Heller Heller Hobby GmbH Erlenbacher str.3 42477 Radevormwald Germany |
Responsible entity | Heller Hobby GmbH Erlenbacher str.3 42477 Radevormwald Germany |
Safety information
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