Japonski Ki-79b to samolot treningowy zbudowany na bazie mysliwca Ki-27 przeznaczony dla dwoch pilotow. Byl to jedyny samolot japoñski fabrykowany w Chinach podczas 2WS.
The Mansyu Ki-79 is a Japanese training aircraft based on the Nakajima Ki-27 fighter. The Ki-79 was powered by a 510HP Hitachi Ha.13a-I or Ha.13a-III engine. Four versions of the aircraft were created. Two single-seater (Ki-79a and Ki-79c) and two two-seater versions (Ki-79b and Ki-79d). In total, 1,329 aircraft of this type were built. It was the only Japanese mass-produced aircraft from the World War II period in China. Technical data (version Ki-79b): length: 7.85 m, wingspan: 11.5 m, height: 3 m, maximum speed: 340 km / h, speed of climb: 9 m / s, maximum range: 920 km, armament: fixed - 1 7.7mm type 89 machine gun.
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